Recover Faster: Orthopedic Medical Vacations for Innovative Carpal Tunnel & Trigger Digit Surgery

Hawaii Medical Tourism Orthopedic Surgery Carpal Tunnel Trigger Digit

When it comes to orthopedic procedures, patients seek the best care possible to alleviate their discomfort and regain their quality of life. At Orthopedics Hawaii, we understand the importance of offering innovative treatments that prioritize patient well-being and recovery. One such innovative procedure, Guided Ultrasound Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Digit Release, has made Orthopedics Hawaii a destination for Medical Vacations and Medical Tourism. Here is why patients from the mainland United States and Internationally travel to Honolulu for this procedure.

Dr. Sam Chen | Orthopedic Surgeon & Hand Specialist

Dr. Sam Chen is the only surgeon in Hawaii and one of several on the West Coast of the United States performing Guided Ultrasound Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Digit Release. His training for the advanced procedures originates from a close association with the specialists at Mayo Clinic.

Convenience and Swift Recovery

One of the key advantages of this procedure is its minimally invasive nature, leading to a faster recovery time compared to traditional Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Digit surgery. Patients can resume their regular activities in days, not weeks. For those traveling from afar, this means minimal disruption to their lives, with some patients able to return to work within days of the procedure.

Cost-Effective and Local Anesthetic

In addition to its rapid recovery, Guided Ultrasound Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Digit Release offer cost-effective benefits for patients. With lower facility expenses and the option for local anesthesia, patients can save on medical costs while still receiving top-tier care.

Hawaii Medical Vacation Orthopedic Surgery Carpal Tunnel

Medical Vacations and Tourism

Medical Vacations or Medical Tourism has become increasingly common. One study published in the American Journal of Medicine estimated that fewer than 750,000 Americans traveled to other countries for medical care in 2007, but by 2017, more than 1.4 million did.

In addition to dental care, fertility, and cosmetic surgery, medical vacations for orthopedic procedures have continued to increase. Not only do patients receive specialized medical care, but they also have the opportunity to explore the beauty of Hawaii before or after their procedure, turning their trip into a rejuvenating experience for body and mind.

Hawaii Medical Tourism Orthopedic Ultrasound Surgery Carpal Tunnel Trigger Digit

Testimonials and Success Stories

Orthopedics Hawaii has numerous success stories of patients traveling to Oahu for the procedure with Dr. Chen. From those flying in from the US mainland to patients from neighboring islands like Maui, Lanai, and the Big Island, the positive outcomes speak for themselves. One notable case is an auto mechanic from Alaska who flew in on Monday for the procedure and was back at work in Alaska by Thursday, showcasing the efficiency and effectiveness of this advanced orthopedic treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

At Orthopedics Hawaii, we're committed to providing advanced orthopedic care that prioritizes patient comfort, recovery, and quality of life. With Dr. Chen's expertise in Guided Ultrasound Carpal Tunnel and Trigger Digit Release, patients from around the world choose to travel to Honolulu for this procedure, knowing they'll receive high quality medical care and enjoy the beauty of Hawaii during their medical journey.

If you're considering orthopedic treatment, why not combine it with a rejuvenating trip to paradise? Schedule your consultation by calling (808) 744-3360 or emailing



Dr. Chen’s Interview on Hawaii Public Radio's "The Body Show: Hands"