The elbow joint is a complex hinge joint between the upper arm and forearm. A web of ligaments and tendons provides stability and connects the muscles to the bones. Movements include flexing, extending, and twisting your arm.
Broken Elbow
Commonly seen after a fall while using an outstretched arm.
Elbow Bursitis
The bursa is a cushioning gel-filled sac at the tip of your elbow. Bursitis is a painful inflammation that develops with overuse, repetitive movements, or following an injury.
Golfer & Tennis Elbow
Both represent a painful tendon inflammation. Golfer’s elbow affects the part of the elbow closer to the body (medial). Tennis elbow affects the part of the elbow facing away from the body (latera).
Tendinitis on either side of the elbow is typically due to repetitive stress while using the muscles that allow gripping or lifting. Seen in physically demanding occupations such as contractors, plumbers, painters, landscapers.
An examination by an orthopedic specialist is crucial when you have persistent pain or difficulty.
Typically, noninvasive treatments are tried first. This may include stretching, exercises, bracing, therapy, or injections. If a discussion of surgery is needed, minimally invasive surgical techniques are utilized such as arthroscopy or ultrasound guidance.
In some cases, the RICE method is all that’s needed to repair your shoulder. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Many minor shoulder problems end up worsening when patients don’t allow enough time to rest and recover.
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Physical or occupational therapy can be prescribed as part of the treatment program if needed.
Helpful to regain mobility and restore your strength and function.
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Get personalized medical care today. Every patient is seen by an orthopedic surgeon, not a nurse practitioner or physician's assistant. We recommend making an appointment. Please contact us at (808) 744-3360 or aloha@orthopedicshi.com to schedule.